Zoom video meeting app has become the avidly popular host to millions of people studying and working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. It's surprising how people communicate differently in online platforms versus face to face. But it is the sign of changing times since we all are just trying to keep our family and business above water these days. However, it also appears like an excellent time to learn and keep in mind these tips for communicating on such online platforms.
One of the biggest problems for communicating online are the technical glitches. Sometimes it’s the audio or the visual or the simple step of muting your conference video. It is primarily a big problem if you're not tech-savvy with such tools. But during these times, the use of such tools have become a necessity. So it’s necessary you know some basic things about online communication tools like Zoom.
Audio related difficulty is one such technical issue. Sometimes this is due to things beyond our control like problems with the internet, technology, or the platform. But there are some things within our power that we can do to boost our audio system. Firstly, everyone on Zoom call or meeting should mute their microphones when they aren’t talking as this will reduce background noise. The experience will be better if you could use a headphone with a mic. This will help you hear clearly and speak clearly. Also, if you consider pausing all devices operating on WiFi, that will help you increase WiFi receptivity and lose out on all the audio disturbances making sure you have a good and flawless work experience.
The other major problem is neglecting the aesthetic value of setting up appropriate, tasteful surroundings or work area. After all a first impression makes for a lasting impression. So visual setting becomes an integral part of your video conference. You can help direct those impressions by fixing up a decent meeting space. Be aware of your surroundings, and get rid of anything that distracts you. Use the natural light of a window or make sure to have a proper lighting source. These minor changes can encourage others to develop a more positive impression of you.
Finally, practice the same proper communication technique that you would use in person. Other than the tips mentioned above here are some tips and tricks which will upgrade your experience of online communication on Zoom
1. Switch your background.
Change your background to any place you like by customising your background while on Zoom calls. You can do this by going to the Settings > Virtual Background and choose or upload the image you want in your background, but make sure they meet all the necessary requirements of Zoom.
2. Muting your audio and turning off your camera before the meeting starts.
Filter out all probable distractions to your co-workers by turning these options off by default. You can do this by going to the Settings > Audio > Mute microphone when joining a meeting, and then Settings > Video > Turn off my video when joining a meeting.
3. Mute and unmute with just a press
That's right when you are called on to speak, stop struggling to click the unmute button. You can press the spacebar to quickly mute and unmute your mic, right from your keyboard.
4. Share your Screen
Share your screen for a Zoom call or meeting with other participants by clicking the Share screen icon at the bottom of the meeting screen. You'll have the option to share your entire desktop or just one of the windows you have open. Click the red Stop Share button at the top of the screen to go back to being a normal participant in the meeting. This feature can be helpful if you are conducting a presentation as you can share your presentation with the other participants. And of course, when you need help for presentations, we are just a click away.
5. Record the meeting to your computer
All subscribers can record their meetings using the desktop app. The thing to be noted here is that you cannot record your session on your cellphone or mobile unless you have a paid account. This can be done by going to Settings > Recording, and toggle it on. When you're hosting a Zoom meeting, click the Record icon on the bottom toolbar. This can be helpful for a whole range of professions be it the corporate sector wanting to record their minutes of the meeting or the educational institutes or the student community wanting to view the recorded live session later.
So let's keep the balance between our work life, personal life and the ever looming deadlines with zoom in the room.